Along with your current treatment programme, regular, moderate exercise offers a whole host of benefits, including:
Reduces your joint pain and stiffness
Maintain good posture and mobility of the spine
Strengthens the muscles, ligaments and cartilage around your joints
Strengthen the postural muscles which help keep you up straight, and improve your breathing and chest expansion.
Helps you maintain bone strength and quality
Increases your joint range of motion and joint mobility
Improves your balance
Gives you more strength and energy to get through the day
Helps you control your weight
Makes it easier to get a good night's sleep
Makes you feel better about yourself and improves your sense of well-being
Improves your ability to manage stress
Reduces the risk of other chronic conditions
Promotes stronger heart and lungs
Lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol
Exercise tips:
You should do some specific exercise for your axSpA everyday. Consistency is the key to gaining maximum benefit.
Remember, everyone is different and can manage different activity levels.
At least 30 minutes of specific exercise should be done each day, targeting different parts of the body and different movement, ensuring the whole body is stretched and moved daily.
The best exercise programs are individually tailored. A physiotherapist can help deign a program to meet your specific needs.
Activities and sports that improve your general fitness are an important inclusion in your total management plan.
This website has been independently developed by Arthritis Australia for Australian users. We would like to thank our funding partners, and the many clinical and consumer experts who have assisted in its development.